January 2024: Luncheon with Peter Friedmann

Thank you for joining us for the DC Updates Luncheon!

January Luncheon: Peter Friedmann

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Peter Friedmann, “Our Main in DC” joined us on January 31st for his annual address to the industry. This event is a combined effort between the Columbia River Customs & Forwarders Association (CRCBFA) & Maritime Commerce Club (MCC). Thank you for joining us for a robust conversation with Peter!  

About the Speaker:

PETER FRIEDMANN is a Washington, D.C. “insider.” Born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, he was formerly Counsel in the U.S. Senate, drafting the Ocean Shipping Act, and trade laws. Today, the diverse interests he represents in Washington, D.C., include globally recognized consumer brand name companies, port authorities (particularly Oregon ports) and municipalities, tech companies, transit agencies, even an Indian tribe. 

Peter established and guides two nationally known trade associations, the Agriculture Transportation Coalition, which the Journal of Commerce has credited as “the voice of the agriculture exporter in the US transportation policy,” and CONECT – the Coalition of New England Companies for Trade. Peter takes special pride in his long relationship with the Pacific Coast Council of Customs Brokers and Freight Forwarders, and the Maritime Fire & Safety Association.

Peter is a frequent speaker on how Capitol Hill and the Executive Branch really function (or not) and can be made to work for those seeking to grow business, trade, and provide local infrastructure.

He is known to many by his email address OurManInDC@FederalRelations.com: he is Of Counsel to the Lindsay Hart firm, and the Principle of FBB Federal Relations.